08 Mar 2019 by Ludwig Boltzmann

E-book on the rights of asylum seekers within the EU and the effective enforcement of CFREU

Research on the (potential) role of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFREU) for the European legal regime was conducted in Austria, Croatia, Greece, Italy and Poland. The research was seen as key in preparing and developing the training materials as well as the “Training Manual: The Role of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in Asylum Cases” within the project “Judging the Charter“. The project aimed at identifying and elaborating all asylum cases decided on by the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), which refer to CFREU. This in-depth research contributed to quite a comprehensive picture of the developments in the field and made it possible to formulate likely future developments. The research also strengthened a shared culture of the rights of asylum seekers within the EU and the effective enforcement of CFREU by domestic jurisprudence.

The research resulted in six articles, which were published as the second part of an e-book with the title “Asylum and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”. Among them two articles written by BIM-experts:

  • Monina, Giuliana (2018): “Judging” the Grounds for Detention of Asylum Seekers: Discrepancies between EU Law and the ECHR. An Analysis of the CJEU Decisions of K. v. Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie & J.N. v. Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie
  • Reyhani, Adel-Naim/ Carlos Gómez del Tronco/Matthias Nikolaus Mayer (2018): Challenging the externalized obstruction of asylum – the application of the right to asylum to EU cooperation with Libyan coast guards.

The E-Book can be found here.

a. © Editoriale Scientifica