12 Nov 2024 by lbigmr

EU Support for Rule of Law in North Macedonia: Publication of the Fourth Quarterly Report

The quarterly report provides insights into the successful work of the project, including in the areas of human rights protection and anti-corruption.

Between May and August 2024, the project “EU Support for Rule of Law” in North Macedonia, supported and funded by the Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), achieved important milestones.

In the fight against corruption, an initial training module for 20 participants from 11 institutions was conducted in cooperation with the International Anti-Corruption Academy, with a focus on institutional misconduct.

As part of the fight against organized crime, public prosecutors attended a practical training session on the darknet. In an exchange with representatives of the Slovenian police, best practices and innovative strategies were discussed.

Another focus was on improving disciplinary proceedings for public prosecutors. Following an evaluation of the disciplinary proceedings of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of North Macedonia against international standards, it was decided to harmonize the law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the regulation on disciplinary proceedings.

A particular highlight was the first event of the ‘Equality Talks’ platform, organized in partnership with the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination. This event took place as an open platform and was dedicated to the topic of inclusive education; this format is to be continued in the coming years on current topics. In the past project quarter, an event was also held on the protection of the rights of Roma women and girls, as well as a round table in Kavadarci, which highlighted the advantages of effective cooperation between local authorities and the Ombudsman’s office.

Ein besonderes Highlight bildete die erste Veranstaltung der Plattform „Equality Talks“, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kommission für Prävention und Schutz vor Diskriminierung organisiert wurden. Diese Veranstaltung fand als offene Plattform statt und widmete sich dem Thema inklusive Bildung; dieses Format soll in den kommenden Jahren zu aktuellen Themen fortgesetzt werden. Im vergangenen Projektquartal fand zudem eine Veranstaltung zum Schutz der Rechte von Roma-Frauen und –Mädchen statt, sowie ein Runder Tisch in Kavadarci, bei dem die Vorteile einer effektiven Zusammenarbeit zwischen den lokalen Behörden und der Ombudsstelle hervorgehoben wurden.

a. Stone Bridge and Archaeological Museum of the Republic of North Macedonia ©Katharina Langer