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Zugang von Frauen mit Behinderungen zu Opferschutz- und Unterstützungseinrichtungen bei Gewalterfahrungen

Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen

AuthorsElisabeth UdlKathrin VogtSabine MandlMonika Schröttle
DetailsZugang von Frauen mit Behinderungen zu Opferschutz- und Unterstützungseinrichtungen bei Gewalterfahrungen
15 pages

In this brochure “Zugang von Frauen mit Behinderungen zu Opferschutz- und Unterstützungseinrichtungen bei Gewalterfahrungen” you will find measures to help women with disabilities affected by violence to access support services such as victim protection and women’s counselling centres. Our recommendations are based on the results of a Daphne III project funded by the European Commission, in which we asked women with disabilities affected by violence what support was helpful to them and what improvements are still needed in the support system. Information on the project and the results can be found on pages 4-7. The recommended measures in this brochure are aimed at victim protection and women’s counselling services, organisations in the field for people with disabilities and political decision-makers. They are intended to help make the extent of violence against women with disabilities more visible and better understood and to find new ways of working together to improve the situation of women with disabilities affected by violence and to dismantle the structures that promote violence. All the recommendations you will find in this brochure were developed jointly by women with and without disabilities during the course of the project. Co-operation and networking are an important basis for the effective implementation of protection against violence for women with disabilities.