Publication Series
Since 1999, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights has run a study series. From 1999 to 2007, it was published by Verlag Österreich, from 2008 to 2020 by Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. In 2021, we entered into a new cooperation with Manz’sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung. Under this new cooperation, the series appears under the title “Menschen.Rechte!”.
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Volume 2
Protecting Life by Investigating Death
Human Rights Obligations on European States to Investigate the Deaths of Migrants and Refugees
Michael Lysander Fremuth (Publ.)Sam McIntosh (Publ.) DetailsProtecting Life by Investigating Death
ISBN: 978-3-214-02688-2
412 pages
Volume 1
70 Years of the European Convention on Human Rights
Conference Proceedings of the Ceremony
Michael Lysander Fremuth (Publ.) Details70 Years of the European Convention on Human Rights
ISBN: 978-3-214-04235-6
150 pages -
Volume 38
Corruption, Human Rights and the Pursuit of Transitional Justice in Kenya
Ruth Muithuiya KiraguManfred Nowak (Publ.) Fiona Steinert (Publ.)Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsCorruption, Human Rights and the Pursuit of Transitional Justice in Kenya
ISBN: 978-3708313214
273 pages -
Volume 37
Schutz mit System? – Internationale kinderrechtliche Standards zum Schutz von Kindern vor Gewalt in der Familie und ihre Umsetzung in Österreich
Helmut SaxManfred Nowak (Publ.)Fiona Steinert (Publ.)Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsSchutz mit System? – Internationale kinderrechtliche Standards zum Schutz von Kindern vor Gewalt in der Familie und ihre Umsetzung in Österreich
ISBN: 978-3708313139
306 pages -
Volume 36
Der Nutzen internationaler Wahlbeobachtung
Zum Beitrag eines Kontrollmechanismus für die Umsetzung von Menschenrechten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der EU-Wahlmissionen in Guinea-Bissau und Osttimor
Florian DunkelManfred Nowak (Publ.)Fiona Steinert (Publ.)Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsDer Nutzen internationaler Wahlbeobachtung
ISBN: 978-3708312361
218 pages -
Volume 35
Access to Public Information versus Protection of Personal Data
How to strike the right balance using a public interest test
Nataša Pirc MusarManfred Nowak (Publ.)Fiona Steinert (Publ.)Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsAccess to Public Information versus Protection of Personal Data
ISBN: 978-3708312132
379 pages -
Volume 34
Das Recht auf Wasser
Die menschenrechtliche Verantwortung von Staaten und Unternehmen
Bettina HohenwarterManfred Nowak (Publ.)Fiona Steinert (Publ.)Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsDas Recht auf Wasser
ISBN: 9783708310046
320 pages -
Volume 33
Defending Refugee Rights
International Law and Europe's Offshored Immigration Control
Fabiane Baxewanos DetailsDefending Refugee Rights
ISBN: 978-3708309958
133 pages -
Volume 32
Trafficking in Human Beings and Human Rights
The Role of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
Julia PlanitzerManfred Nowak (Publ.)Fiona Steinert (Publ.)Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsTrafficking in Human Beings and Human Rights
ISBN: 978-3708309644
207 pages
Volume 31
Vienna+20. Advancing the Protection of Human Rights:
Achivements, Challenges and Perspectives 20 Years after the World Conference
Julia Kozma (Publ.) Anna Müller-Funk (Publ.)Manfred Nowak (Publ.) DetailsVienna+20. Advancing the Protection of Human Rights
ISBN: 1780682158
450 pages -
Volume 30
Strukturen und Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung betroffener Kinder in Österreich und im EU-Vergleich
Kamelia DimitrovaAlexandra MalangoneMila Manchevaet al.Helmut Sax (Publ.) DetailsKinderhandel: Strukturen und Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung betroffener Kinder in Österreich und im EU-Vergleich
ISBN: 978-3708309095
274 pages -
Volume 29
The Role of the EU in UN Human Rights Reform
Snježana BokulićNils A. ButenschønDorothée Cambouet al.Manfred Nowak (Publ.)Tina Hofstätter (Publ.)Jane Hofbauer (Publ.) DetailsThe Role of the EU in UN Human Rights Reform
ISBN: 9783708309019
216 pages -
Volume 28
Krieg und Folter im Asylverfahren
Eine psychotherapeutische und juristische Studie
Margit AmmerMarion KremlaRuth Kronsteineret al.Manfred Nowak (Publ.)Fiona Steinert (Publ.)Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsKrieg und Folter im Asylverfahren
ISBN: 978-3708309088
371 pages -
Volume 27
Wiedergutmachung bei Menschenrechtsverletzungen
Die Umsetzung völkerrechtlicher Wiedergutmachungspflichten in Österreich
Lisa Maria StadlmayrManfred Nowak (Publ.)Fiona Steinert (Publ.)Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsWiedergutmachung bei Menschenrechtsverletzungen
ISBN: 978-3708309170
483 pages -
Volume 26
Labour Rights and Global Production
Karin LukasManfred Nowak (Publ.)Fiona Steinert (Publ.)Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsLabour Rights and Global Production
ISBN: 3708308638
188 Seiten -
Volume 25
Vom Umgang mit den "Anderen"
Historische und menschenrechtliche Perspektiven der Abschiebung
Georg BürstmayerBrigitte Lueger-SchusterJulia Planitzeret al.Manfred Nowak (Publ.)Edith Saurer (†) (Publ.) DetailsVom Umgang mit den "Anderen"
ISBN: 978-3708308661
166 pages -
Volume 23
Universal Criminal Jurisdiction as Mechanism and Part of the Global Struggle to Combat Impunity with Particular Regards to the Crime of Torture
Karen Janina BergManfred Nowak (Publ.)Fiona Steinert (Publ.)Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsUniversal Criminal Jurisdiction as Mechanism and Part of the Global Struggle to Combat Impunity with Particular Regards to the Crime of Torture
ISBN: 978-3708308210
533 pages -
Volume 22
A World Court of Human Rights – Consolidated Statute and Commentary
Julia KozmaManfred NowakMartin Scheinin DetailsA World Court of Human Rights – Consolidated Statute and Commentary
ISBN: 9783708307343
113 pages -
Volume 21
Housing and Property Directorate/Claims Commission in Kosovo (HPD/CC)
Claims Commission in Kosovo (HPD/CC)
Khaled Hassine DetailsHousing and Property Directorate/Claims Commission in Kosovo (HPD/CC)
ISBN: 978-3708306209
561 pages -
Volume 20
Extraordinary Renditions and the Protection of Human Rights
Manfred NowakRoland SchmidtRoland Schmidt (Publ.) DetailsExtraordinary Renditions and the Protection of Human Rights
ISBN: 978-3708306704
188 pages -
Volume 19
The Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture
Kerstin Buchinger DetailsThe Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture
ISBN: 978-3708305882
173 pages -
Volume 18
Indicators and Monitoring Systems as Preventive Tools for Ensuring Peace and Security and Respect for Human Rights in External Policy-Making of the EU
Proceedings of the COST Workshop “Human Rights, Peace and Security in EU Foreign Policy
Julia KozmaManfred NowakRoland SchmidtRoland Schmidt (Publ.) DetailsIndicators and Monitoring Systems as Preventive Tools for Ensuring Peace and Security and Respect for Human Rights in External Policy-Making of the EU
ISBN: 978-3708305936
178 pages -
Volume 17
Menschenrechte und Wirtschaft
Karin LukasFranz-Josef Hutter DetailsMenschenrechte und Wirtschaft
ISBN: 978-3708305851
229 pages -
Volume 16
Global Standards - Local Action
15 Years Vienna World Conference on Human Rights
Wolfgang BenedekClare GregoryJulia Kozmaet al.Engelbert Theuermann (Publ.) DetailsGlobal Standards - Local Action
ISBN: 978-3-7083-0587-5
537 pages
Volume 15
Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Anne Charbord DetailsHuman Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina
ISBN: 3-7046-4472-2
477 pages -
Volume 14
Exekutive und Menschenrechte
Barbara Jauk DetailsExekutive und Menschenrechte
ISBN: 3-7046-4418-8
548 pages -
Volume 13
Entwicklung und Menschenrechte
Ursula Werther-Pietsch DetailsEntwicklung und Menschenrechte
ISBN: 978-3-7046-5145-7
276 pages -
Volume 12
Wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte von AsylwerberInnen
Lousie SperlKarin LukasHelmut Sax DetailsWirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte von AsylwerberInnen
ISBN: 3-7046-4235-5
350 pages -
Volume 11
Der Menschenrechtsansatz in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Anette Windmeißer DetailsDer Menschenrechtsansatz in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
ISBN: 3-7046-3887-0
498 pages -
Volume 10
The Human Dimension of the OSCE, From Recommendation to Implementation
Johannes Binder DetailsThe Human Dimension of the OSCE, From Recommendation to Implementation
ISBN: 3-7046-1718-0
473 pages -
Volume 9
Bekämpfung des Frauenhandels nach internationalem und österreichischem Recht
Angelika KartuschKatharina KnausGabriele Reiter DetailsBekämpfung des Frauenhandels nach internationalem und österreichischem Recht
ISBN: 3-70446-1646-X
246 pages -
Volume 8
Human Rights in Bhutan, The Legal System, The Southern Problem
Christian Hainzl DetailsHuman Rights in Bhutan, The Legal System, The Southern Problem
ISBN: 3-7046-1599-4
166 pages -
Volume 7
Temporary Protection for Refugees in Europe - Analyses and Conclusions
Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsTemporary Protection for Refugees in Europe - Analyses and Conclusions
ISBN: 3-7046-4733-0
364 pages -
Volume 6
Temporary Protection for Bosnian Refugees in Europe - Country Reports
Hannes Tretter (Publ.) DetailsTemporary Protection for Bosnian Refugees in Europe - Country Reports
ISBN: 3-7046-1598-6
530 pages -
Volume 5
NGOs in international human rights protection
Martin Ölz DetailsNGOs in international human rights protection
ISBN: 3-7046-1563-3
431 pages -
Volume 4
EU-China Human Rights Dialogue
Proceedings of the Second EU-China Legal Expert Seminar held in Beijing on 19 and 20 October 1998
Manfred Nowak (Publ.)Xin Chunying (Publ.) DetailsEU-China Human Rights Dialogue. Proceedings of the Second EU-China Legal Expert Seminar held in Beijing on 19 and 20 October 1998
ISBN: 3-7046-1527-7
190 pages -
Volume 3
Torture Prevention in Europe
The European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
Ursula Kriebaum DetailsTorture Prevention in Europe: The European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
ISBN: 3-7046-1553-6
786 pages -
Volume 2
The constitutional implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Austria
Helmut Sax (Publ.)Christian Hainzl (Publ.) DetailsThe constitutional implementation of the UN Convention on Childrens Rights in Austria
ISBN: 3-7046-1342-8
257 pages -
Volume 1
The UN Racial Discrimination Convention in Austrian Law
Nikolaus Marschik DetailsThe UN Racial Discrimination Convention in Austrian Law
ISBN: 3-7046-1341-X
195 pages -
Volume 3
International Criminal Law before Domestic Courts
The Role of National Criminal Justice in the Prosecution of International Core Crimes
Michael Lysander FremuthAndreas SauermoserKonstantina Stavrou DetailsInternational Criminal Law
before Domestic Courts
ISBN 978-3-214-25613-5
358 pages