On this page you will find an overview of all research projects of the LBI-GMR.
Current Projects
Advancing Alternatives to Migration Detention through Raising the Quality of the ‘Risk Of Absconding’ Decision-Making – A Pilot Project
The project aims at strengthening alternatives to migration detention that can better protect the dignity and rights of people on the move.
Assistance to Commissions 3 and 4 of the Ombudsmen Board
The commissions of the Ombudsman Board carry out monitoring visits throughout the country and have unrestricted access to all places of deprivation of liberty and facilities for persons with disabilities. Furthermore, they can observe all measures of administrative command and coercive power. The office of Commissions 3 and 4 resides at the LBI-GMR.
Atlas of Torture: An Information and Cooperation Platform to Fight Torture and Ill-Treatment World-wide
Atlas of Torture aims to strengthen organizations and individuals in their work in the global fight against torture and ill-treatment.
Be Aware of the Grammar of Sign Languages. Resources for Teachers and Pupils. (BAG-Sign)
The aim of the BAG-Sign project is to strengthen linguistic knowledge of deaf, hard of hearing and hearing pupils in sign languages. By qualifying teachers, the level of sign language teaching in schools will be raised.
ECHOFunds – Enhancing Charter Compliance of EU Funds
ECHOFunds aims to improve the human rights compliance of EU funding by raising awareness of Charter rights and their implications and contributing to a common understanding of the role of different actors at all stages of the funding period.
EU Support for Rule of Law in North Macedonia
The project aims to support North Macedonia on its path to the EU by strengthening the rule of law. It covers the justice sector, law enforcement, the fight against corruption and the protection of human rights.
Exploring the Kurdish Self-Determination Conflict
The project aims to examine the emergence, recurrence and duration of the conflict over Kurdish aspirations for self-determination.
Focus area Trafficking in Human beings – research cooperation with the Principality of Liechtenstein
In the course of this project, the LBI-GMR is conducting research on human trafficking from a human rights perspective in cooperation with the Principality of Liechtenstein.
Just Ask the Children
The project aims to develop a practical participation format for the target group together with children and young people.
KYRGYZSTAN: Support to Justice Sector Reform in the Kyrgyz Republic: Advancing Probation and Integrated Justice Information Management (JUST4ALL)
This project aims to support the Kyrgyz government in further improving the criminal justice system. This will be done by introducing digital means for recording criminal procedural steps and monitoring the overall performance of the criminal justice system.
LGBTIQ Detainees – Strengthening the rights of LGBTIQ detainees in the EU
The project will raise awareness on and assess relevant standards as well as challenges, gaps and good practices with regard to the fundamental rights of LGBTIQ individuals in detention.
Research project, including the preparation of a study on audits and certification in the context of human rights and environmental due diligence obligations of corporations
The research project will produce an independent study on the environmental and human rights aspects of audit and certification systems in the context of corporate due diligence.
RIGHTSCITIES: Localising the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU by operationalising the FRA Framework for Human Rights Cities
RIGHTSCITIES aims to promote an effective implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights at city level and to raise awareness in this area.
Rights of Nature: “Subjectification” of nature from the point of view of international law, in particu-lar human rights law
The research project analyses the implications of “subjectification” of nature under international law, in particular human rights law and investigates the opportunities and risks of this possible change of perspective.
Training Curriculum on Fundamental Rights for Judgeship Trainees
In the course of the project, candidates for judicial office (RiAA) are taught human rights content relevant to their examinations, which is intended to prepare them for their future careers.
Vienna Human Rights City – Expert Consulting 2024/25
During the project the experts of the LBI-GMR support the Human Rights Office of the City of Vienna in the development and implementation of numerous measures.
Completed Projects Since 2004
A new Asylum Policy for Europe?!
Within the framework of this study, the LBI-GMR has developed recommendations for a human rights-based EU asylum policy of the future.
A World Court of Human Rights
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a group of eminent persons was entrusted with the elaboration of an “Agenda for Human Rights”.
Access to Justice in Discrimination Cases
The main objective of this study was to find out how to raise awareness about discrimination and ways to fight against it.
Access to specialized victim support services for women with disabilities who have experienced violence
The project explores the research question of whether women with disabilities who have experienced violence are able to access support and services from victim protection agencies to the same extent as women without disabilities.
Accountability for labour rights in global production networks
This research project examines the impact of changes in production and trade in the global economy on the responsibility of states and transnational corporations for human rights in general and labour standards in particular.
ALBANIA: Institution-building for alignment with the Union acquis on the protection of personal data (Twinning)
The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Albanian Information and Data Protection Commissioner (IDP) to monitor and control the protection of personal data in the public and private sectors.
Analysis of the Functioning and Jurisprudence of the Asylum Court and Constitutional Court
This project analyses the judicial legal protection in the Austrian asylum procedure.
ASSESS – Integration of Vulnerable Migrant Groups
This project examines the effectiveness of integration measures for three particularly vulnerable groups of migrants: women, children and victims of trafficking.
Assistance and reintegration of child victims of trafficking – ARECHIVIC
This project looks at the current state of support for children and young people as victims of child trafficking, examines existing assistance and integration programmes and tries to identify promising practices from this in other states as well.
Assistance to the Management Board of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency
In the course of this project, the LBI-GMR supports the FRA, for example, by organising and supervising the content of “round tables”, or informing the political level and the public about the work of the agency.
Assistance with the Implementation of the Human Rights-(Umbrella) Policy Prototype for the Raiffeisen Nachhaltigkeits-Initiative (RNI)
In the course of the project, a prototype human rights policy will be implemented and translated into practicable procedures.
Atlas of Torture: Monitoring and Preventing Torture Worldwide – Building Upon the Work of the UN Special Rapporteur
The project develops and implements measures in three fundamental areas of torture prevention – combating impunity, strengthening legal protection and developing and improving mechanisms for independent monitoring of places of deprivation of liberty.
AZERBAIJAN: Strengthening the capacity of State bodies and local level referral mechanisms to provide safety and support to victims of domestic violence in Azerbaijan (Twinning)
This project aims to improve legal protection and support for victims of domestic violence in Azerbaijan and bring them in line with EU standards.
AZERBAIJAN: Support to the enhancement of the capacity of the Ombudsman administration (Twinning)
The aim of the project is to strengthen institutions working for human rights protection in Azerbaijan, in particular the Office of the Ombudsman, and to align the relevant legislation with EU standards.
Being a Child in Times of Crisis – Views, Experiences and the Child’s Right to Participation
The project aims to make children and young people more aware of international children’s rights and fundamental rights and to enable them to express their experiences, concerns and needs in the current times of crisis.
BIH Civil Society – Civil Society as a Factor for Change in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Within the framework of this project, an initiative to support informal and grass-root initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be developed. The aim is to respond to local needs and implement activities to strengthen civil society.
BREAKING THE BARRIERS: rights based participatory judicial training on procedural rights
The project enables 120 judges and prosecutors, especially those who have had limited access to transnational training due to language barriers, to participate in transnational training on procedural rights for suspects and accused persons.
BULGARIA: Improvement of administrative justice in view of the fight against corruption (Twinning)
The project aims to improve the legal and organisational framework of the administrative justice system in Bulgaria.
Business and Human Rights challenges for cross-border litigation in the European Union
The aim of the project is to explore judicial and extra-judicial options within the EU to hold companies based in a member state civilly liable for human rights violations for which they or their subcontractors are responsible worldwide.
CARES: Child-centered and Accessible crisis-Response for an Effective protection System
The CARES prroject analyses current developments such as the COVID pandemic, inflation and consequences of the war in Ukraine with a focus on children and their experiences
Child Rights Erasmus Academic Network (CREAN)
The aim of the network is, among other things, to establish a platform for exchange and interaction between science and practice in the field of children’s rights, or to create a support structure to promote young researchers.
Children’s Rights and Participation – developing indicators for schools
In this project, scientists, students, school directors, teachers and parents’ representatives dealt with the question: What about children’s rights and especially the right to participation in the context of schools?
Children’s Rights Behind Bars – Human rights of children deprived of liberty: improving monitoring mechanisms
The project, launched by the EU, aims to improve international legal standards to protect the needs of detained children.
Children’s views on involvement in European and international decision-making
The project examines how attempts to involve children and young people in decision-making processes at European and international level are perceived and assessed from the perspective of the actual target group – children and young people.
In the course of the research project, experts will investigate which framework conditions are necessary for community policing and which functionalities different apps have in common.
ClimAccount: Human Rights Accountability of the EU and Austria for Climate Policies in Third Countries and their possible Effects on Migration
ClimAccount aims to explore the complex relationship between climate policies, human rights and migration and to analyse the human rights responsibilities of negative consequences of EU and Austrian climate policies.
ClimMig: Climate-induced migration and the need for new normative and institutional frameworks
This project will examine existing gaps in international legal, normative and institutional frameworks, provide an overview of related standards at EU and Austrian level, and develop recommendations with a view to closing these gaps.
ClimMobil: Judicial and policy responses to climate change-related mobility in the European Union with a focus on Austria and Sweden
The research project ClimMobil aims to analyse the current and potential scope of international protection as well as other forms of protection in the EU, especially in Austria and Sweden.
Climate Change and Human Rights: The Status of Climate Refugees in Europe
The project examines the extent to which European states are obliged to take in “climate refugees”.
Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for Labour Exploitation
This project will analyse which authorities and institutions are involved in the identification, investigation and prosecution of human trafficking. At the same time, the role and support of victims of trafficking for labour exploitation will be highlighted.
Commentary on the Convention against Torture (CAT-Commentary)
This comprehensive commentary on the Convention against Torture is the first attempt to provide an in-depth analysis of all substantive, organisational as well as procedural provisions of the Convention.
COMP.ACT – European Action for Compensation for Trafficked Persons
The LBI-GMR, as part of the Austrian group of the COMP.ACT EUROPE network, founded in 2009 for the better compensation of trafficked people, works for example on trainings for professionals.
Comparative Study on Ombuds Institutions in the Australasian and Pacific Region
This comparative study of ombuds institutions in the Australasian and Pacific regions examines the legal basis, legal status, functions and position of these institutions within their political systems.
Comparative Study on the status of the application of Directive 2006/24/EC (“Data Retention Directive”)
This study deals with the retention of data generated or processed in the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or public communications networks.
CONFRONT – Countering new forms of Roma children trafficking: Participatory approach
The CONFRONT project is being carried out simultaneously in six EU countries and aims to contribute to a better understanding of possible forms of child trafficking.
Consultation for the Austrian Development Co-operation in the thematic fields of Governance, Human Rights and Securing Peace
In the course of a framework agreement, the LBI-GMR and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) try to anchor and further develop human rights, democracy and good governance as well as peacebuilding and conflict prevention in the substantive and structural work of ADA and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMeiA).
Consultation for the Austrian Development Co-operation in the thematic fields of Governance, Human Rights and Securing Peace 2012 – 2016
In the course of this project, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMeiA) are advised, among other things, on gender mainstreaming in development cooperation, the inclusion of people with disabilities, and children’s rights.
Contribution to component 4 of EU Support for Rule of Law project in North Macedonia
The project aims to support North Macedonia on its path to the EU. It covers the justice sector, law enforcement, the fight against corruption and the protection of human rights.
Corporate Liability regarding Trafficking in Human Beings for the purpose of Labour Exploitation and Access to Effective Remedy
This project analyses the liability of companies for human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation.
Corporate responsibility for the integration of recognised refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection into the Austrian labour market
The background report produced as part of this project outlines the legal framework of corporate responsibility in relation to the integration of refugees into the labour market.
Corporate Social Responsibility to Prevent Human Trafficking (CSR to Prevent THB)
The aim of the project is to adapt the UN Special Representative John Ruggie’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (“Ruggie Guidelines”) for the context of human trafficking.
COST is an intergovernmental platform for European cooperation in the field of science and technology that enables the coordination of nationally funded research at European level.
COST Action: The Role of the EU in the UN Human Rights Reform
The project focuses on improving the exchange of knowledge on the ongoing process of institutional and procedural reforms of the United Nations human rights system.
COST Action: Human Rights, Peace and Security in the EU Foreign Policy
The aim of this COST Action is to develop recommendations for changes in European foreign policy in relation to human rights, peace and security.
Counter-bot: Artificial Intelligence combating racist hate speech online
The aim of the project is to create a scientifically sound basis for the implementation of a counter-bot that automatically generates effective rebuttals against racist hate postings.
CROATIA: Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (Twinning)
The focus of this Twinning project was to improve the implementation of existing anti-trafficking laws and programmes and the protection of victims of trafficking and to contribute to a more efficient fight against organised crime in Croatia.
CROATIA: Establishing a comprehensive system for anti-discrimination protection (Twinning)
The overall aim of this Twinning project is to create an efficient and effective system to combat discrimination.
CROATIA: Support to Gender Equality (Twinning)
The project aims to strengthen institutional capacity in Croatia for coordinated implementation, monitoring and evaluation of national and international gender equality principles.
CROATIA: Support to the Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia (Twinning)
This project aims to support the Croatian Ministry of Justice and Interior in reform efforts.
CROATIA: Support to the changes of the pre-trial proceedings in criminal matters (Twinning)
This Twinning Light project aimes to support the Croatian Ministry of Justice in its reform efforts regarding the Criminal Procedure Code.
CZECH REPUBLIC: Assistance to the Office for Personal Data Protection in Exercising Supervision in Personal Data Protection (Twinning)
The main objective of this Twinning Light project is to support the Czech Data Protection Office in managing and implementing EU data protection requirements in the best possible way.
DAPHNE Diffusion – Information tools for a DAPHNE programme community
The LBI-GMR participates in the needs assessment and referral for the partners list of the European Commission’s funding programme to combat violence against children and women (DAPHNE).
Decade of Roma Inclusion – Revision of the Macedonian National Action Plans on Education, Employment, Housing and Health
The project aims to revise the existing Macedonian national action plans on employment, education, health and housing, thereby supporting the actual implementation by the state institutions.
Developing a data collection template for equality bodies with quasi-judicial powers
The aim of the project is to develop a data collection template for those members of the European Network of Equality Bodies (equinet) that have quasi-judicial powers.
Development of a Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Policy for Volkshilfe Austria
On behalf of Volkshilfe Solidarität, the LBI-GMR is developing a gender, diversity and inclusion policy for the federal office of Volkshilfe, Volkshilfe Solidarität and Volkshilfe Forschung in Austria.
Development of EU Child Rights Indicators
The objective of the project, commissioned by the European Fundamental Rights Agency, is to develope indicators that enable an assessment of the situation of children in the EU in terms of children’s rights.
DIGNITY at TRIAL: Enhancing procedural safeguards for suspects with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities
In this project, the LBI-GMR addresses the problem that people with intellectual and psychosocial impairments are particularly at risk of not receiving a fair trial.
EAW-ALT: Addressing the overuse of pre-trial detention and the disproportionate use of EAW with alternative cross-border mechanisms
The project focuses on analysing from the perspective of a variety of practitioners whether and how alternative measures are a substitute to the European Arrest Warrant and detention in general.
Education for De-Radicalization
The Zentrum polis was commissioned by the Ministry of Education to coordinate school workshops on current social developments and political discussions.
Elaboration of a Human Rights-(Umbrella) Policy Prototype for the Raiffeisen Nachhaltigkeits-Initiative (RNI)
The project deals with human rights due diligence in the financial sector and has developed a human rights policy for the members of the Raiffeisen Sustainability Initiative.
End violence against children and juveniles in custody
The aim of the project is to investigate violence in the penal system on the basis of direct cooperation with the young people concerned, to develop recommendations and to work on their implementation together with the young people as well as decision-makers.
EQUINET STUDY – The Sanctions Regime in Discrimination Cases and its Effects
Equinet, the network of European equality bodies, commissioned the LBI-GMR to conduct a study on sanctions in discrimination cases and their impact.
EU Funds – Providing technical assistance to national bodies with a human rights remit involved in assessing EU Charter & CRPD compliance of EU funds
A team from the LBI-GMR is to make recommendations on the potential of involving national bodies with a human rights mandate in assessing compliance with the EU Charter and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the context of EU funding.
EUROPE: COVID-19 and the European Social Charter – an arena for the European welfare state debate
On the basis of the European Social Charter, the project analyses the measures taken by selected European countries in response to the COVID-19 crisis and their impact on the welfare state debate.
EU: Strengthening the effective implementation and follow-up of recommendations by torture monitoring bodies in the European Union
The project aims to strengthen the effective implementation as well as the follow-up recommendations on torture prevention of control mechanisms at national, regional and international levels.
Europe of Minorities
The project aimed to facilitate an exchange of experiences on combating discrimination against LGBTQ+ persons and persons with a migrant background from organisations in Austria, Italy, the UK and Cyprus.
European Prison Observatory: Strategies and Programmes for De-radicalization and Risk Assessment
The aim of the project is to analyse strategies and programmes for dealing with radicalised and extremist detainees in seven European countries, and to identify examples of good practice in relation to deradicalisation in the context of detention.
Evaluation of the Swiss Centre of Expertise in Human Rights
The LBI-GMR contributed to the evaluation of the Swiss Centre of Expertise in Human Rights (SKMR).
Ex-post evaluation of the Ilisu Dam project on behalf of the Austrian Austrian Export Credit Agency
The Österreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB) has commissioned LBI-GMR to conduct an ex-post human rights evaluation of the Ilisu Dam project in Turkey.
Experiences and prevention of violence against persons with disabilities
This empirical study was the first to record the different experiences of violence of people with disabilities and mental illness throughout Austria.
Expert Conference and Manual: Positive Measures as Strategies to Combat Structural Discrimination
The project focuses on the organisation of an expert conference on positive action as a strategy to combat structural discrimination, and the production of a handbook on the findings of the conference.
Extrajudicial complaint mechanisms: conflict resolution between business and human rights
Within the framework of the project, a total of five examples of out-of-court grievance mechanisms, including two international and three company-based models, were examined for their effectiveness and their handling in practice.
Extrajudicial Complaints: Striking a Balance between Business and Human Rights Interests?
The project aims to inform businesses and business stakeholders about the effectiveness of reputable mechanisms for dealing with human rights complaints.
Extraterritorial human rights obligations
The aim of this study is to find out under what conditions a state has obligations under international human rights treaties and the German Basic Law when the state interferes with the human rights of a person who is outside the territory of the state.
FLIGHTRISK: Assessing the risk of flight during pre-trial detention
The project examines the most common reason for pre-trial detention in five EU member states: flight risk. The aim of the project is to identify and debunk causes for the increased ordering of pre-trial detention.
Forced marriages – Stock-taking for effective policies against forced marriages in Austria
This project deals with the issue of forced marriage in Austria and, in addition to analysing the current situation, also aims to develop options for action and practical tools.
FRALEX – EU Fundamental Rights Agency: Independent Legal Experts
On behalf of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), the Austrian legal experts of the LBI-GMR wrote national studies, among others on homophobia and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or on child trafficking.
FRAME – Fostering Human Rights Among European (External and Internal) Policies
The four-year EU research project examines the role of human rights in the EU’s internal and external policies and addresses the question of how the EU can contribute to the promotion of human rights both within and outside the EU.
FRANET – Data Collection and Research Services on Human Rights Issues (F-SE-13-T12), Lot 29 – EU and International Level Comparative Analysis
The aim of this framework contract with the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) is to provide FRA with research-related services on human rights issues.
FRANET – Data Collection and Research Services on Human Rights Issues (F-SE-17-T11), Lot 30 – EU and International level
The aim of this framework contract with the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) is to provide FRA with research-related services on human rights issues.
FRANET: Severe labour exploitation – migrant workers’ perspectives (SELEX II)
The aim of SELEX II is to gather evidence in eight EU Member States on the specific experiences, views and needs of migrant workers who have experienced (severe) labour exploitation.
From law to practice: Strengthening procedural rights in police custody (ProRPC)
Following on from a previous project, this one is intended to close the gaps with regard to the practical implementation of the EU procedural guidelines.
GEORGIA: Strengthening European partnerships for crisis prevention and response: Civil society peace-building roundtables
The overall objective of this project, carried out jointly with the Georgian International Center on Conflict and Negotiation, is to contribute to an improved capacity of EU institutions to act in the areas of anticipation, analysis, prevention and response to crisis situations.
GLOBAL VALUE – Assessing the Impacts of Multinational Corporations on Global Development and Value Creation
The project is dedicated to providing a comprehensive framework for assessing and managing the impact of business on global development.
Got it? Verstehst? Chapes? Intercultural Understanding between young people
The topic of the project is the European process of understanding from the point of view of young people from four different European countries with a focus on discrimination, migration and integration and dealing with religious and cultural diversity.
Guidelines for the Collection of Data on Trafficking in Human Beings, including Comparable Indicators
The aim of the project is to develop guidelines in order to be able to standardise the collection of data on human trafficking in Europe.
Human Rights and Poverty Reduction in Macedonia
The project aims to pilot the “Principles and Guidelines for a Human Rights Approach to Poverty Reduction Strategies” of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Macedonia.
Human Rights Dialogues as Instruments of EU Foreign Policy: China Case Study
This research project examines the human rights dialogue as an innovative instrument of European human rights diplomacy, with a particular focus on the EU-China human rights dialogue.
Human Rights in Export Credit Agencies: Consultancy of the Austrian Export Credit Agency (OeKB)
The LBI-GMR advises and accompanies the Österreichische Kontrollbank AG in the implementation of human rights due diligence within the company.
HUNGARY: Enforcement of equal opportunity policies and the effective implementation of the anti-discrimination law (Twinning)
The overall aim of this project is to promote equal treatment of all persons in Hungarian society and to contribute to the prevention of discrimination of any kind.
ILECUs – Strengthening the Rule of Law and Good Governance in South East Europe by further Promoting International Law Enforcement Coordination Units which Combat Transnational Organized Crime
The project aims to sustainably improve national, international and regional cooperation in the fight against transnational organised crime, which contributes to strengthening the rule of law and good governance in South Eastern Europe (SEE).
Improving Criminal Investigation, Collaboration and Network-building against Trafficking in Human Beings
The LBI-GMR, together with the Romanian NGO “Center for Legal Resources”, has designed and implemented a series of workshops for the police, judiciary and NGOs in Romania.
Improving Judicial Cooperation Across the EU Through Harmonised Detention Standards – The Role of National Preventive Mechanisms
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to an effective, coherent and human rights compliant application of the EU instruments on mutual recognition in criminal matters.
Improving Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe: Training for Professionals
The project aims to establish a practice-relevant link between the EU Directive 2016/800 on procedural safeguards in criminal proceedings for children who are suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings and existing international and European standards in the field of juvenile justice.
Inclusive Tanzania
The LBI-GMR accompanies the implementation process to collect good practice examples within the project in order to document and analyse the experiences of the pilot project.
Inside Police Custody 2: Suspects’ rights at the investigative stage of the criminal process
The focus of the project, which is being carried out in nine EU countries, is on the police investigation procedure in the case of arrested persons.
INTEGRACE – Integrating Refugee and Asylum-seeking Children in the Education Systems of EU Member States
The aim of the project was to support integration in education of refugee and asylum-seeking children in the EU through the collection and exchange of best practices and the elaboration of common standards for the development and evaluation of integration programmes.
Integration and Naturalisation tests, the new way to European Citizenship (INTEC)
The project undertakes a first evaluation of the paradigm shift in integration policy in nine EU member states.
International Criminal Law: CORE (Centre for the Observation of the Rome Statute in the European Union)
This project aims to work towards harmonising the implementation of the Rome Statute in the EU member states so that the most serious human rights crimes can be prosecuted more comprehensively and effectively in national courts.
International Terrorism and the Rule of Law: Reflections & Discussions on the EU-US Relationship in the Fight against Terrorism
The aim of the research project is to identify cooperation between the US and the EU in their anti-terrorism efforts that complies with human rights and the rule of law and to formulate recommendations for implementation.
JORDAN: Support to the development and implementation of national policies, strategies & legislation related to human rights (Technical Assistance)
The project aims to strengthen two key actors for the promotion of human rights and the monitoring of human rights standards in Jordan: the National Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) and the Jordan Institute of Justice (JIJ).
Judging the Charter
The project aims to strengthen the competences of judges with regard to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Juristras – The Strasbourg Court, Democracy and Human Rights of Individuals and Communities
This project will examine the relationship between judicial and political bodies, in particular the review of human rights compliance in the Council of Europe system and its legal and political implications at the national level.
JUSTICE FOR ALL: Enhancing the Rights of Defendants and Detainees with Intellectual and/or Psychosocial Disabilities. EU Cross-Border Transfers, Detention and Alternatives
The project aims to strengthen the rights of persons with intellectual and/or psychosocial impairments who are deprived of their liberty in a criminal context.
JUSTICIA – Implementation of the EU Directive on the Right to Information in Criminal Proceedings
The project includes research on the state of implementation of Directive 2012/13/EU on the right to legal advice and information in criminal proceedings in Austria and six other European states.
KOSOVO: Project against Homophobia and Transphobia (Twinning)
The activities of this project aimed to promote a professional attitude towards diversity on the ground in Kosovo.
KYRGYZSTAN: In-country research on measures and mechanisms which contribute to preventing torture and other ill-treatment in Kyrgyzstan
The project is part of a three-year multi-country study to determine whether torture prevention works and which factors reduce the risk of torture.
KYRGYZSTAN: Promotion of the respect of Rule of Law with particular emphasis on Transparency and Accountability
The project supports the Kyrgyz government in strengthening its rule of law by reforming the Kyrgyz Republic’s judicial system and enhancing transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures.
KYRGYZSTAN: Strengthening the fight against torture and impunity in Kyrgyzstan: Prevention, Accountability, Remedy and Reparation
The project aims to support Kyrgyzstan with technical expertise in the fight against torture and ill-treatment.
KYRGYZSTAN: The Rule of Law Programme in the Kyrgyz Republic – 2nd phase (ROLPRO 2)
The project focuses on strengthening the capacity of citizens and civil society as rights holders to support the Kyrgyz government in its efforts to improve the justice system and strengthen the rule of law.
Labour – Rights – Responsibilities – Guide (LARRGE)
This project analyses the most important corporate social responsibility instruments used at EU level with regard to their significance for the realisation of fair working conditions and social and human rights standards.
LATVIA: Data State Inspection in Latvia (Twinning)
The primary objective of this Twinning project was to strengthen the administrative capacity of the Latvian Data Protection Authority to implement the data protection acquis.
Legal Protection against Discrimination in South East Europe
The aim of this project is to improve the capacity of relevant actors (e.g. equality bodies, ombudspersons, public authorities, courts and legal practitioners) to take action against discrimination and promote equality.
Legal Status and Treatment of Environmental Refugees
This project aims to investigate the legal status and treatment of “environmental refugees”.
Legislation Draft for the Implementation of Directive 2006/24/EC
In spring 2009, the LBI-GMR was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) to prepare a legislative proposal on the subject of “data retention”.
LITHUANIA: Strengthening Administrative and Technical Capacity of Personal Data Protection (Twinning)
The aim of this Twinning project was to strengthen the administrative capacity of the Lithuanian Data Protection Authority to implement the data protection acquis.
MACEDONIA: Promotion of the Ombudsman competences and enhancement of its capacities (Twinning)
The project supports the Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia in strengthening its competencies and capacities to better ensure the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms.
Making the Charter of Fundamental Rights a living instrument
This project addresses the implementation deficits of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in order to make it a “living instrument” of fundamental rights protection in Europe.
Memoranda of Understanding between key stakholders and law enforcement agencies on counter-trafficking cooperation
The project aims to develope guidelines that facilitate the drafting of agreements in the field of protection and assistance to victims of trafficking.
MIND THE GAP – Measuring (in)equality in Croatia
This project aimes to improve the protection against discrimination in Croatia.
MONTENEGRO: Implementation of personal data protection strategy (Twinning)
The project aims to strengthen Montenegro’s capacities regarding the protection of personal data and the implementation of data protection legislation.
MOROCCO: Strengthening the capacities of the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights (Twinning)
The activities of the Twinning project aim to sustainably strengthen the organisational structures as well as the technical capacities of the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights in Morocco, thus supporting Morocco’s democratic development.
MOROCCO: Strengthening the capacities of the National Human Rights Council (Twinning)
In the course of the project, experts from the LBI-GMR analysed the existing training offered within the Moroccan Human Rights Council and the regional commissions, as well as the internal training needs, and suggested ways to improve staff development.
National Child Rights Action Plan – Experts consultation Report
The LBI-GMR has supported the process of developing a National Action Plan for Children’s Rights in Austria.
Non-Discrimination in the context of dyslexia and dyscalculia
The output of this project is a report on the establishment of legal certainty in the protection against discrimination in relation to dyslexia and dyscalculia and recommendations for the amendment of relevant legislation.
Nosso Jogo – Initiative for Global Fair Play
In the course of this project, the LBI-GMR prepares the study “Olympic hopes for Austrian companies in Rio 2016? Challenges, potentials and corporate responsibility for human rights”.
OMV Gap Analysis. Support of OMV in the Implementation of its Human Rights related Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
In this project, the Austrian mineral oil company OMV is supported in the implementation of its human rights strategy in the area of corporate social responsibility.
Open research behind closed doors: Assessing the impact of Covid-19 measures on persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities deprived of liberty
The project seeks to highlight the challenges faced during the Covid-19 pandemic by persons with psychosocial and intellectual impairments who are detained or housed as a result of their offending behaviour and/or after criminal responsibility has been excluded.
PAMECUS – Positive Action Measures in Europe, Canada, the United States and South Africa
The LBI-GMR was part of the PAMECUS research study, which aims to explore the role that positive action can play in preventing or eliminating discrimination in practice.
Participation for Protection – P4P
The participatory project addresses the issue of violence and support services for young people together with children and young people.
Personal liberty of children in Austria revisited: Achieving impact through comprehensive national follow-up to the UN Global Study on Children deprived of Liberty
The project tries to promote the comprehensive recommendations of the “UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty” at the national level in Austria.
Pilot Project on quality assurance for first instance asylum proceedings in Austria
The project idea for quality assurance of the first-instance asylum procedure in Austria comprises the analysis and scientific processing of approximately 70 procedures.
POLAND: Enhancement of Policies on Equal Treatment of Women and Men (Twinning)
The project deals with the issue of equal treatment of women and men in Polish legislation and legal practice.
POLAND: Strengthening Anti-Discrimination Policies (Twinning)
The objective of this project is to strengthen the capacity of the Polish Government Plenipotentiary for Gender Equality in the field of anti-discrimination policy.
Polis – Austrian Centre for Citizenship Education in Schools
The Zentrum polis works on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and is the central pedagogical service institution for educational work in schools and, on a case-by-case basis, outside schools in the fields of politics, democracy and human rights.
Prevention of ill-treatment in the context of EU criminal cooperation and the role of NPMs
Through this project, the LBI-GMR aims to raise awareness in the judiciary about NPMs as well as to strengthen the importance of NPMs in the implementation of the European Arrest Warrant and the common rules on deprivation of liberty in conformity with fundamental rights.
Protecting Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs): A Manual for Law and Policymakers
The aim of the project was to provide legislators and decision-makers at the national level dealing with internal displacement with the most concrete guidance possible on how to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement at the national level.
Protection against Violence within the Family in Austria
This study analyses violence in the family in its legal and factual dimension in Austria from the perspective of international human rights standards.
RAXEN Focal Point for Austria
The Racism and Xenophobia Network (RAXEN) collects information on racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism in all EU Member States.
RED Network Combating Racism, Xenophobia & Intolerance
The aim of the RED Network to Combat Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance is to build a dedicated web portal and web atlas on racism and discrimination in the EU with a web-based early warning system.
Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest
The research focus of the project is on institutional mechanisms that aim to address issues of market failure through means other than command and control in the name of public interest.
Regional Cooperation between Law Faculties to Improve Protection against Discrimination – Course Development
The aim of the project is to develope a model course on legal protection against discrimination in South Eastern Europe in order to integrate it into the curriculum of law faculties in the Western Balkans as a regular or elective subject within the respective Master’s programmes.
Resilience and Diversity: Potentials of diversity and resilience measures for the successful management of crisis situations by companies – a preliminary study
During the COVID-19 pandemic, this study aims to provide a first preliminary study regarding possible potentials of diversity and resilience measures for the successful management of crisis situations by companies.
Revision of the Commentary to the UN Convention Against Torture
This commentary is a revision of the first commentary on the UN Convention against Torture and is the most comprehensive reference work regarding the absolute prohibition and prevention of torture.
RiVi: Rights of Victims of Survived Bodily Harm and Improved Access to Clinical Forensic Examinations
The Rivi project addresses the right of victims of violence to access clinical forensic examinations, whether or not they file a criminal complaint.
ROMANIA: Support for setting up an efficient National Preventive Mechanism (Twinning)
The overall objective of this project is to promote and protect the rights of people in detention in Romania, through the creation of a National Preventive Mechanism to prevent torture.
ROMANIA: Supporting the institutional capacity to prevent trafficking in human beings in Romania (Twinning)
The overall objective of the project is to prevent trafficking in human beings in Romania by strengthening the National Agency against Trafficking in Human Beings in the country.
SELEX – Severe Forms of Labour Exploitation
This study on severe forms of labour exploitation in the EU identifies the economic sectors in which labour exploitation is most prevalent.
SERBIA: Support to Strengthening the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings (Twinning)
The EU Twinning project supports Serbia’s continuous efforts to align national policies in the field of home affairs with EU standards and acquis and to meet the relevant EU accession criteria.
SERBIA: Support to the advancement of human rights and zero tolerance to discrimination (Twinning)
The aim of the project is to strengthen and implement the legal framework on human rights as well as on the protection of national minorities and their development in line with European standards.
SERBIA: Support to the strengthening of the Ombudsman Office (Twinning)
The project aimed at ensuring that the Ombudsman’s Office fully fulfils its mandate, so that the legality and fairness of action of this public administrative body is equally guaranteed towards all citizens.
Sida Framework Agreement for Democracy and Human Rights
The LBI-GMR is consulting Sida headquarters (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) in Stockholm and Swedish embassies worldwide in the areas of democratic governance and human rights.
SLOVENIA: Strengthening the National Institutional Structure for the Fight against Discrimination (Twinning)
The overall objective of the project is to provide tailor-made trainings for the experts of the Human Rights Ombudsman’s anti-discrimination unit and for other key persons in the national institutional structure.
Social Inclusion and Human Rights in Macedonia
The project aims to support the mainstreaming of the human rights approach in the planning processes of national and local administration in the field of social inclusion, social protection and poverty reduction in Macedonia.
Social Standards in Sustainability Chapters of Bilateral Free Trade Agreements
In the course of this project, the LBI-GMR is preparing a study that will focus on the guarantee of workers’ rights and social standards in the sustainability chapters of bilateral agreements.
StartClim2016: Migration, Climate Change and Social and Economic Inequalities
The research project aims to present the state of knowledge on possible migration scenarios in the context of climate change based on the research of scientific literature and studies and to analyse which of them are relevant for Austria and Europe.
Straniak Academy for Democracy and Human Rights
The two-week academy focuses on building bridges between university and practice-based education in the field of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
Strengthening Child Protection in German International Development Cooperation
In the course of this project, the significance of the topic of child protection and possibilities for expansion within the framework of German development cooperation are to be examined.
Strengthening juvenile justice systems in the counter-terrorism context: capacity-building and peer learning among stakeholders
The project identified and analysed Austrian programmes and measures for the deradicalisation of children and young people in the juvenile justice system, including rehabilitation programmes.
Strengthening the Principles of Human Rights in the Austrian Development Cooperation
The project focuses on four major thematic areas: Advice on policy issues, support at project and programme level, capacity building, as well as IT-supported documentation relevant to development cooperation.
Strengthening the rights of persons suspected or accused in criminal proceedings – the role of National Human Rights Institutions
The project deals with the role of national human rights institutions in relation to the rights of suspected and accused persons set out in the EU Directives.
Strengthening Women’s Capacity for Peace-building in the South Caucasus Region
This project will use UNSCR 1325 (on women, peace and security) to look more closely at the participation and impact of women in armed conflict and peace efforts and identify obstacles to de facto equality.
STUDY: Support and accompaniment of elderly/old people with life-long intellectual disability or high support needs in Austria
The aim of this study is to gain a comprehensive and deep insight into the living situation as well as support and accompaniment of elderly and old people with life-long intellectual disabilities or with high support needs in Austria.
Study on Data Security within the Transposition of Data Retention Directive in Austria
This study aims to evaluate technical solutions based on the legal requirements that offer a high level of data security and protection of fundamental rights.
Study on Equality Bodies
The study on equality bodies analyses the extent to which the mandates of equality bodies comply with the EU Directives.
Study on the situation of human rights in South and North Korea
This study aims to shed more light on the human rights situation in South and North Korea through secondary research as well as a research visit.
Support to the Office of the People’s Advocate and promotion of human rights in Albania
The aims of this twinning project are, a.o., to contribute to democratising society and ensuring good governance in Albania.
Teaching Materials for High School Students on Trafficking in Women and Young People
Within the framework of the project, comprehensive teaching materials for teachers and learners of upper secondary schools on the topic of “Human Trafficking for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation from a Human Rights Perspective” were developed.
The Concept of Vulnerability in the Context of Human Rights
The aim of the research project is to conduct a comprehensive and comparative analysis of the concept of vulnerability from a human rights perspective based on empirical research.
The Protection of Survivors of Torture Seeking Asylum in Austria
This interdisciplinary research project examines the situation of torture survivors seeking asylum in Austria.
The role of human rights in governance assistance
The aim of the study is to elaborate the instrumental value of systematically integrating human rights considerations into the planning and implementation of development projects in the field of “good governance”.
The sanctions regime in discrimination cases and its effects
This study looks at the different types of sanctions, challenges in their implementation and ways to make them more effective.
This Human World/One World in Vienna – 1st Austrian Human Rights Film Festival
The LBI-GMR is organising the 1st Austrian Human Rights Film Festival, where films dealing with the topics of human freedom and dignity, justice and democracy, as well as their global problems, will find their place.
This Human World / Human Rights Film Festival
The Film Festival of Human Rights is dedicated to making human rights, as well as their violations, visible.
„This human world“ – Austrian Human Rights Film Festival
In 2009, the human rights film festival “This human world” will take place for the second time, again showing a variety of films with human rights themes.
“This human world” – Vienna International Human Rights Film Festival
In 2015 the human rights film festival “This human world” will take place for the 8th time, which aims to draw attention to the human rights situation worldwide.
Trafficking in Human Beings in Europe – A Commentary to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
Researchers from the LBI-GMR participate on various topics in the field of human trafficking and human rights and work, among other things, on children’s rights, compensation for trafficked persons and access to justice.
Trafficking in Human Beings: Protection of Victims’ rights in Criminal Proceedings and beyond
The project focused on raising awareness among judges, prosecutors and police to address the rights and needs of victims of trafficking.
TURKEY: Development of work with juveniles and victims by the Turkish National Probation Service (Twinning)
The project aims to support the Turkish Ministry of Justice in its efforts to improve the implementation of international and European standards in the field of community protection and crime prevention.
TURKEY: Implementation Capacity of Turkish Police to Prevent Disproportionate Use of Force (Twinning)
The Twinning project focused on preventing the use of coercive force by the Turkish police. The project focuses on four levels: legal, organisational, tactics and equipment, and training.
TURKEY: Improved Relations between Mass Media and Judiciary (Twinning)
The overall objective of this Twinning project was to systematise and strengthen relations between the Turkish judicial system and the Turkish media.
TURKEY: Improvement of Statement-Taking Methods and Statement-Taking Rooms in the Republic of Turkey (Twinning)
The aim of this project was to consolidate a functioning democratic system, including compliance with rule of law and human rights principles in Turkey.
TURKEY: Political Criteria Programme / TPCP II (DANIDA)
The overall objective of TPCP II was, among other things, to strengthen the capacity of the Turkish Ministry of Interior or its Human Rights Violations Monitoring Authority.
TURKEY: Promoting Gender Equality in Working Life (Twinning)
The overall objective of this Twinning project was to promote gender equality in working life in Turkey by aligning Turkish legislation with the EU acquis.
TURKEY: Strengthening Institutions in the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings (Twinning)
The aim of this project was to strengthen the capacities of relevant Turkish institutions and to develop a sustainable strategy in the fight against trafficking in human beings involving all relevant Turkish authorities and NGOs.
TURKEY: Towards an effective and professional Justice Academy (Twinning)
The project aimed to support the smooth functioning, effectiveness and efficiency of the Turkish judiciary in line with EU standards.
UKRAINE: Assistance to the Legal and Administrative Reforms in the Sphere of Migration and Refugees’ Protection
The project aims to help Ukraine align its asylum legislation and legislation in related areas with EU standards and practice in EU Member States.
UKRAINE: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in the field of human rights protection at the national level (Twinning)
The project aims to strengthen the independence and efficiency of the Ukrainian Surpreme Court by introducing European judicial standards.
UKRAINE: Strengthening the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Twinning)
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of the Office of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) to ensure effective prevention of human rights and freedoms violations and efficient responses to identified violations.
United Nations Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty
This global study deals with the deprivation of children’s liberty, focusing, among other things, on the deprivation of liberty of children in conflict with the law, due to their migration status or in the context of armed conflict.
UNSRT – Support of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture
In addition to supporting the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, the LBI-GMR team also dedicated itself to other projects on the topic of preventing and combating torture.
Vienna “Human Rights City” – Process Consulting
Since 2016, the LBI-GMR has been supporting the Human Rights Office of the City of Vienna in the development and concretization of individual measures in diverse areas, including participation, social inclusion and distributive justice, police and security policy as well as education.
Vienna “Human Rights City” – Study and Pilot Phase
The LBI-GMR sees itself as a companion and supporter of the City of Vienna in the process of making Vienna a “City of Human Rights” on a formal as well as on an organisational and substantive level.
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action – Conference and Publication: Global Standards – Local Action
In the course of this project, the LBI-GMR organised an international expert conference to mark the 15th anniversary of the adoption of the “Vienna Declaration” at the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights.
Vulnerabilities and Antidiscrimination – Overlaps, Contradictions and Complementarities of two Popular Human Rights Concepts
The research project aims to analyse the dimensions of meaning, the problems and the potential of the concept of vulnerability and to work out overlaps, contradictions and complementarities in comparison to the concept of discrimination.
War and Armed Conflicts – No Peace Without Women!?
This project developed teaching materials for schools to mark the 10th anniversary of the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
When Plurilingual Speakers Encounter Unilingual Environments
The transdisciplinary project deals, among other things, with the sensitisation of actors in authorities and courts to the issues of multilingualism, language rights and migration.