HUNGARY: Enforcement of equal opportunity policies and the effective implementation of the anti-discrimination law (Twinning)
About the Project
The overall objective of this Twinning light project, which was carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and the Equal Treatment Authority (ETA) in Hungary, was to promote equal treatment of all persons without discrimination on any grounds in Hungarian society.
For this purpose the project aimed at
- supporting the enforcement of equal opportunity policies and the effective implementation of the anti-discrimination law through capacity development of the ETA;
- clarifying the anti-discrimination policy of the Hungarian Government and making it more consistent and effective;
- developing an overall strategy for the ETA for co-ordinating, strengthening and implementing the anti-discrimination policy based on best practices of other EU Member States.
These goals were pursued by a variety of project activities ranging from the elaboration of specific reports and a guidebook to a number of training sessions as well as three study visits for Hungarian officials working in the fields of equal opportunities and anti-discrimination. The development of policy coordination mechanisms and cooperation procedures constituted an important aim throughout the project.
Project Data
Country: Ungarn
Persons involved: Susanne Fraczek
Lead Organisation: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights (LBI-GMR)
Partner Organisations: Supporting institution: Austrian Ombud for Equal Treatment; Beneficiary institution (HU): Equal Treatment Authority
Project start: 12/2006
Project end: 08/2007
Project completed: Yes
Funded by: European Commission, Directorate-General Enlargement
Programme Line LBI-GMR: Rule of Law and Public Sector Reform