
Strukturen und Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung betroffener Kinder in Österreich und im EU-Vergleich

AuthorsKamelia DimitrovaAlexandra MalangoneMila Mancheva Helmut SaxTímea StránskáAstrid Winkler
EditorsHelmut Sax
DetailsKinderhandel: Strukturen und Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung betroffener Kinder in Österreich und im EU-Vergleich
ISBN: 978-3708309095
274 pages

Human trafficking for the purpose of exploiting children through child labour, involvement in criminal activities, prostitution and other forms (e.g. panhandling) is a sad reality for thousands of children in Europe – and Austria is also affected.

For two years, from 2011 to 2013, teams of researchers from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy, Sweden and Austria dealt with political framework conditions and concrete support programmes for affected children and young people within the framework of an EU project.

The present volume brings together the reports on Austria and country-comparative analyses on the project partner countries, highlighting glaring deficiencies in the measures taken so far, but also first examples of successful practice.