Schutz mit System? – Internationale kinderrechtliche Standards zum Schutz von Kindern vor Gewalt in der Familie und ihre Umsetzung in Österreich

AuthorsHelmut Sax
EditorsManfred NowakFiona SteinertHannes Tretter
DetailsSchutz mit System? – Internationale kinderrechtliche Standards zum Schutz von Kindern vor Gewalt in der Familie und ihre Umsetzung in Österreich
ISBN: 978-3708313139
306 pages

“Every child has the right to an upbringing free of violence. Physical punishment, infliction of mental suffering, sexual abuse and other maltreatment are prohibited.” With these clear words, the Federal Constitutional Law on the Rights of Children 2011 standardises one of the fundamental human rights of children, the right to protection from violence. In reality, however, dependency on parents and other power factors often create an environment for children that makes families a place of danger, not safety. This volume “Schutz mit System? – Internationale kinderrechtliche Standards zum Schutz von Kindern vor Gewalt in der Familie und ihre Umsetzung in Österreich” provides a comprehensive overview of international child rights standards on the protection and prevention of violence, with a particular focus on the creation of effective child protection systems. It then examines the extent to which these standards have already been implemented domestically, with a focus on child and youth welfare law in Austria.