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Bildungsfragen - Europa und ökonomisches Lernen

AuthorsGertraud DiendorferPatricia HladschikAlexandra Lechner-Amanate
DetailsBildungsfragen - Europa und ökonomisches Lernen
ISBN: 978-3-7344-0103-9
152 pages

The publication “Bildungsfragen – Europa und ökonomisches Lernen” reflects the contents of the fourth and fifth annual conferences of the Interessensgemeinschaft Politische Bildung IGPB. In the first part on the topic of “Europe in Civic Education”, issues of democracy, integration and migration policy are addressed alongside economic issues and, not least, the question of whether something like a (or several?) common European identity(ies) can be defined. The second part of the volume deals with questions of business ethics, entrepreneurship education and global learning.