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Entschädigungsmöglichkeiten für Betroffene des Menschenhandels in Österreich.

AuthorsJulia PlanitzerEvelyn ProbstBarbara Steiner
DetailsEntschädigungsmöglichkeiten für Betroffene des Menschenhandels in Österreich.

The article „Entschädigungsmöglichkeiten für Betroffene des Menschenhandels in Österreich.“ shows that although victims of human trafficking are granted legal rights to compensation, there are gaps in implementation in practice. Compensation for victims of human trafficking is important in order to obtain justice for the exploitation they have experienced and to deal with the trauma. Even though there are several guidelines at international level for compensating victims of human trafficking, practice shows that there are hurdles to actually receiving compensation. Compensation proceedings can take several years and in European countries it can be observed that victims of human trafficking are often referred to the civil courts, which often means a further burden for victims. If compensation is awarded in proceedings, these judgements may not be enforced due to a lack of tangible assets. Compensation from the perpetrator is therefore difficult to obtain in practice, partly because they can no longer be found, the existing assets are realised through third parties or because there is no legal support available to enforce the judgement. Access to compensation by perpetrators in the context of criminal proceedings in Austria is discussed in the article on the basis of a case of human trafficking in which the victims were awarded compensation in criminal proceedings.