CZECH REPUBLIC: Assistance to the Office for Personal Data Protection in Exercising Supervision in Personal Data Protection (Twinning)

About the Project

The overall objective of this Twinning Light project was to assist the OPDP in achieving the standards and guidelines of the European Union with regard to personal data protection. The main thematic focuses of this project lay within the fields of Schengen, Europol and customs issues on the one hand as well as within the sectors of e-communication and data protection at the workplace on the other hand. The project was divided into two main parts. The first part included several joint working meetings on all aforementioned issues, where detailed discussions took place between the Austrian and Czech experts. The second part attended to the preparation of two manuals, being the basis for further implementation measures in the field of data protection in the Czech Republic.

Project Data

Country: Czech Republic
Persons involved: Claudia Hüttner
Contact persons: Agnes Taibl
Lead Organisation: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights (LBI-GMR)
Partner Organisations: Beneficiary institution (CZ): Office for Personal Data Protection (OPDP)
Project start: 02/2006
Project end: 11/2006
Project completed: Yes
Funded by: European Commission, Directorate-General Enlargement
Programme Line LBI-GMR: Rule of Law and Public Sector Reform