MACEDONIA: Promotion of the Ombudsman competences and enhancement of its capacities (Twinning)

About the Project

Objectives of the project

The project aimed at enhancing the capacities of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia in the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms. Furthermore, a major objective was the strengthening of its visibility in line with international standards and best practices. Aside from the central office in Skopje which leads the general work in the field of human rights protection, six regional offices also handle complaints and maintain communication at the local level. All these offices together with the central one in Skopje took part in the project activities.

The kick-off event of the project took place on 19 May 2015 in Skopje.

On June 26, 2015 experts from Austria were invited to a Round Table on the situation and challenges with undocumented migrants and asylum seekers in Macedonia. This knowledge exchange continued from 13 to 16 July 2015 with a study visit of the Macedonian National Preventive Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights to Vienna.

The closing event of the project took place on 2 February 2016 in Skopje.

Тhe project purpose was two-fold:

  • Improvement of skills of the three departments of the Ombudsman: the Department for non-discrimination and adequate and equitable representation of minorities; the Department for children rights and rights of persons with special needs; and the Department of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) for preventing torture.
  • Promotion of the mandate of the Ombudsman for the protection of human rights in view of enhancing its visibility and the accessibility of its services to its citizens, particularly in the rural parts of the Republic of Macedonia.


  • Improved skills and capacities of the regional offices in execution and promotion of the Ombudsman’s mandate
  • Increased visibility and transparency regarding the Ombudsman’s work, particularly in rural parts
  • Enhanced rights of the Roma population, street children and persons with special needs and fight against discrimination
  • Strengthened skills of Ombudsman office personnel in performing field visits to relevant bodies and institutions and improved standards there
  • Enriched skills and methodologies of the Department of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) for conducting unannounced follow up visits to places of deprivation of liberty and for monitoring detention places for aliens, migrants and asylum seekers

Project Data

Country: Macedonia
Persons involved: Christian Wawrinec
Contact persons: Agnes Taibl
Lead Organisation: Austrian Ombudsman Board, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights (LBI-GMR)
Partner Organisations: Beneficiary institution (MK): Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia
Project start: 04/2015
Project end: 03/2016
Project completed: Yes
Funded by: European Commission, Directorate-General European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)
Programme Line LBI-GMR: Rule of Law and Public Sector Reform