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20 Years ZARA Festival


Sat, 26 October 2019 19:00 – 23:30


Expedithalle, Absberggasse 27, 1100 Wien

On Sat, 26 October 2019, ZARA – Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit celebrates its 20th anniversary with a phenomenal festival at the Expedithalle in Vienna.

The ZARA Festival is a charity event and consists of a colorful mix of cabaret (Maschek), poetry slam (Puneh Ansari, Fatima Moumouni), music (5/8erl in Ehr’n, Clara Luzia and others) and dance performance (DIVE). The proceeds of this celebration will go to the Counseling Center for Victims and Witnesses of Racism and make it possible for victims of racism to continue to receive free support!

You want to be there and set a loud sign for diversity? More info and tickets are available here.
