HUMAN RIGHTS TALK: Victims of violence seeking for asylum in Austria
Dienstag, 19. November 2013 – 20:00 bis 22:00
Aula des Universitätscampus Altes AKH, 1. Hof, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1090 Wien
On the panel Margit Ammer (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights), Ruth Kronsteiner (Hemayat), Nadja Lorenz (Netzwerk Asylanwalt) and Thomas Wenzel (Psychiatrist) will discuss the situation of torture survivors in asylum procedures. The talk will be moderated by Irene Brickner (Der Standard). The event will be held in German! We would also like to point out that the recordings of previous HUMAN RIGHTS TALKS are available at
Following the discussion, the Research Platform “Human Rights in the European Context” and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute would like to invite you to join the subsequent reception.
During the event, the book, titled “War and torture in asylum procedures. A psychotherapeutic and legal study” will be presented. The project has been realised with funds of the MA7 of the City of Vienna and the Austrian Zukunftsfonds.
The series of events take place in cooperation with juridikum, journal for critique | justice | society, and
The admission is free, For logistical reasons we ask you to kindly register at!