HUMAN RIGHTS TALK: Access to the Labour Market for Asylum Seekers?
Donnerstag, 7. März 2013 – 19:30 bis 21:00
Dachgeschoß im Juridicum Schottenbastei 10–16, 1010 Wien
The opening of the labour market for asylum seekers is regularly discussed in Austria. Recently, on the occasion of the demands of the European Refugee Movement that has formed up in several cities in Europe – including Vienna, in 2012. A central concern of the refugees was to be allowed to provide for themselves. At the forthcoming event experts from science, policy and practice will therefore discuss the advantages and possible disadvantages of the option to open the labour market to asylum seekers: Margit AMMER (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Menschenrechte),Aleksandra IZDEBSKA (Executive Board DiTech), Johannes PEYRL (Vienna Chamber of Labour) and Manfred WOLF (Austrian Union GPA-djp).
The discussion will be moderated by Sonja FERCHER (freelance journalist).
The event is held in German!
Furthermore we would like to point out that the recordings of previous HUMAN RIGHTS TALKS are available at
Following the discussion, the Research Platform “Human Rights in the European Context” and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights would like to invite you to join the subsequent reception.
The series of events take place in cooperation with juridikum, journal for critique | justice | society, and
Admission is free, for logistical reasons we ask you to register at