Lecture: Fundamental and Human Rights as Instruments of Climate Protection?
Thu, 7 April 2022 – 18:30 to 19:30
Landhaus, Römerstraße 15, 6901 Bregenz – Raum Brigantium, Erdgeschoss
On Thu, 7 April 2022, our scientific director Michael Lysander Fremuth will be a guest at the Vorarlberg Law Society. At 18:30 pm he will give a lecture on “Fundamental and human rights as instruments of climate protection?”. The event will take place exclusively in presence.
Further information on the event can be found at: Veranstaltungen – Vorarlberger Juristische Gesellschaft (vjg.at)
Vortrag Michael Lysander Fremuth: Grund- und Menschenrechte als Instrumente des Klimaschutzes?