Open Panel discussion: Europe’s and Austria’s responses to the situation of refugees from Ukraine – the implementation of the EU Mass Refugee Directive


Thu, 7 April 2022 – 18:00 to 19:30



On Thu, 7 April 2022, Margit Ammer, Senior Researcher at the LBI-GMR and expert on asylum and migration law, will speak at the Open Panel Discussion of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) on the topic “Europe’s and Austria’s responses to the situation of refugees from Ukraine – the implementation of the EU Mass Refugee Directive”.

The panel discussion will provide a first insight into the implementation of the Mass Refugee Directive on the European and Austrian level from a legal, political science and a scientific NGO perspective and will also discuss the possibilities of burden sharing between EU states, which is targeted by the EU Commission.

More information on the event and registration can be found here: Podium Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine (

[The event will be held in German.]

a. Open Panel Discussion mit Margit Ammer