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05 Jun 2020 by Ludwig Boltzmann

Kick-off for the new training program „democratic culture”

From June 3rd to June 5th 2020 the kick-off meeting of the newly established Council of Europe “Working Group on Training” took place. The aim of this working group, founded in the March meeting of the “Steering Committee for Education Policy and Practice (CDPPE)”, is to develop and implement a standardized training program for the Council of Europe’s most important reference document in the area of citizenship education, the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFDC).

Patricia Hladschik, head of Zentrum polis, was invited by the Council of Europe to contribute to this working group in her function as Austrian EPAN member (Education Policy Advisers Network).

The most important result of this working group, which is set up for two years, will be a standardized modularized program for trainers, which contains blended learning elements and takes into account and further develops the experiences with participatory and digital formats made during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Information on the EPAN Network and on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFDC) can be found on the website of Zentrum polis (German only).

Twitter: @RFCDC_Austria

a. Sjur Bergan (Leiter der Bildungsabteilung des Europarats) eröffnet das Kick-off Meeting der Arbeitsgruppe