21 Nov 2019 by Ludwig Boltzmann

NPM: Auf dem Weg zu harmonisierten Haftstandards in der EU – Workshop in Sofia, Bulgarien

Within the scope of the project „Towards harmonised detention standards in the EU – the role of National Preventive Mechanisms (NPM)” the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights organised a workshop in Sofia, Bulgaria (18th and 19th of November 2019), in cooperation with its project partner the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee.

Among the 30 participants were members of National Preventive Mechanisms from twelve different EU countries, five Bulgarian prison directors and various experts, e.g. from Penal Reform International. The participants worked on the “Monitoring of the treatment of detainees in a situations of vulnerabilities” and focused on the systemic approach and its methods to achieve change in regard to the prevention of inhuman or degrading treatment in custodial facilities.

The research on prison inmates in a particularly vulnerable situation will continue until summer 2020. It will include bilateral interviews with experts, both with practical and scientific background. Subsequently the findings of this research will be published in an implementation manual, which shall support the work of the National Preventive Mechanisms throughout Europe. The Austrian NPM is incorporated into the Austrian Ombudsman Board.

a. NPM: Auf dem Weg zu harmonisierten Haftstandards in der EU – Workshop in Sofia, Bulgarien
