27 May 2024 by lbigmr

Public dialogue on the rights of Roma women and girls in the Republic of North Macedonia

In early April, representatives of public institutions and civil society organisations participated in a dialogue on discrimination and access to justice held in the Day Care Centre of Šuto Orizari in Skopje.

The EU-funded project “EU Support for Rule of Law in North Macedonia” supported the organisation of a public discussion on 1st April 2024 in Skopje. The overarching topics were the multiple and intersectional forms of discrimination and access to justice with a special focus on Roma women and girls. This was the first joint event of the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination (CPPD) and the local Ombudsperson, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP).

The discussion featured lawyers, experts and activists working on the equality of Roma women and girls’ rights as well as on the equality of other marginalised groups. Among those present were Dragana Drndarevska and Igor Jadrovski from the CPPD as well as Vaska Bajramovska Mustafa from the Ombuds Institution and Maberi Kameri from the MLSP. The latter are both exceptional Romani women who have worked for decades on the equality and rights of Roma women and girls. Together, the participants analysed the complexities behind the ongoing inequality and the discriminatory obstacles in access to justice as well as finding solutions for the removal of these obstacles.

The event contributes to the implementation of the National Action Plan for the Protection, Promotion, and Fulfilment of the Human Rights of Roma Women and Girls in the Republic of North Macedonia.

a. ©EU Support for Rule of Law