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07 Mar 2022 by lbigmr

Statement and brief assessment of the situation in Ukraine

The military aggression of the Russian Federation against sovereign Ukraine has not only prompted the European community of states and civil society to unequivocally condemn it. Yesterday, the UN General Assembly also condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the strongest possible terms with an overwhelming 141 votes and demanded a withdrawal.

With Russia’s attack on Ukraine, there is a grave risk of further devastating human rights violations in Ukraine. According to media reports, vacuum bombs and cluster bombs are also being used by the Russian military in Ukraine against civilians – which is prohibited under the Geneva Convention. Some of the images reaching us cannot be verified. And yet it is clear that Putin’s propaganda paints a very different picture than exists in reality.

“May truth be the first casualty of war, human rights will follow very soon “, says our scientific director Michael Lysander Fremuth in the following statement.

In the time ahead, it is therefore vital that all parties are called upon to strictly observe the relevant provisions of international humanitarian law and that all violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights are condemned. For the rules of international humanitarian law define clear limits and rights – especially for times of international armed conflict!

Our scientific director Michael Lysander Fremuth gives a brief assessment of the current situation in Ukraine and clarifies the aspects of international law in his statement.

[Since events in Ukraine are currently unfolding at a rapid pace, the statement is constantly being updated. The current version is dated 7 March 2022].

An abridged version of the opinion appeared as a guest commentary in the daily newspaper “DiePresse” on 3 March 2022.

We have set up a website where we provide you with up-to-date information on the war in Ukraine and offer national and international (partner) organisations as well as those affected a platform where they can have their say and be heard. You can find the the current Information on the War in Ukraine here.

a. Statement and brief assessment of the situation in Ukraine ©LBI-GMR