Yearbook Human Rights 2006
Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2006
Schwerpunktthema: Freiheit in Gefahr – Strategien für die Menschenrechte
st 3733. 380 Seiten
€ 12,- (D) / € 12,40 (A) / Fr. 22, 10
ISBN 3-518-45733-0
Special focus: Endangered freedom – Strategies for Human Rights
The 8th edition of the Yearbook Human Rights raises the question how positive answers and strategies in favour of Human Rights can be found facing the current threats to freedom related rights. Especially the concepts of a security state, the prohibition of torture, the role of the media as well as strenghts and weaknesses of instruments of human rights protection are discussed in this context.
The Yearbook Human Rights is edited in co-operation with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights.