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The Rightlessness of Refugees in Libya

AuthorsAdel-Naim Reyhani
DetailsThe Rightlessness of Refugees in Libya
152 pages

The thesis “The Rightlessness of Refugees in Libya” identifies and characterises the rightlessness of refugees affected by the European obstruction of asylum cooperation with a disintegrating Libya. It first analyses the affinity between Arendt’s right to have rights and the right to asylum. It then develops a typology of rightlessness as a framework for analysing the condition of refugees who are barred from accessing asylum in Europe. In a third step, the thesis applies this typology to the Libyan case. The thesis suggests that addressing the rightlessness of refugees in Libya requires an exploration of state-transcending models for the applicability of refugee law. It finally concludes on how this suggestion relates to the realisation of the right to have rights.