RAXEN Focal Point for Austria

About the Project

The European Union Agency on Fundamental Rights (FRA) – the former European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) – collects information on racism, xenophobia, and antisemitism in the EU Member States. The Racism and Xenophobia Network (RAXEN) is set up for this purpose and is made up of so called “Focal Points”.

In 2009, the coverage of the six main areas selected by the FRA was continued:
• changes in legislation concerning migrant and autochthonous minorities,
• racist and xenophobic incidents,
• racism and discrimination in employment,
• racism and discrimination in education,
• racism and discrimination in housing,
• racism and discrimination in health and social services.

Key activities in 2009:
• Update of the 2007 „National Data Collection Report Austria“, the report summarises the most important trends evident from quantitative and qualitative data in the six areas mentioned above. In 2009 the update additionally focuses on the participation of ethnic minorities in public life.
• Bimonthly bulletins cover significant developments in anti-discrimination legislation and introduce recently published statistics and research reports.
• Drafting of two thematic studies on “Preventing racism, xenophobia and related intolerance in sport in Austria” and on “Housing Conditions of Roma and Travellers”

Project Data

Country: Austria
Contact persons: Barbara Liegl (Head of the Focal Point)
Lead Organisation: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights (LBI-GMR) – Research Association
Funded by: EU Fundamental Rights Agency
Programme Line LBI-GMR: Asylum and Migration