Vulnerabilities and Antidiscrimination – Overlaps, Contradictions and Complementarities of two Popular Human Rights Concepts

About the Project

The project aims at analysing the definitions, problematic aspects and potential of the concept of vulnerability, which has gained in importance in the field of human rights over the last decades by comparing it with the concept of discrimination and pointing out overlaps, contradictions and similarities. The results of the research should on the one hand contribute to the academic debate and on the other hand be of use for political stakeholders in order to gain knowledge on the potentials as well as the pitfalls of the concept of vulnerability. The research, thus, aims at contributing to an adequate political use of the concept. This is specifically important for decisions on measures designed to combat inequalities at local, national but also international level, as those are dependent on adequate and appropriate concepts and definitions in order to be able to effectively address inequalities.

Project Data

Persons involved: Monika Mayrhofer
Contact persons: Monika Mayrhofer
Project start: 04/2016
Project end: 12/2016
Funded by: Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv (MA 8), Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien
Programme Line LBI-GMR: Asylum and Migration