Taking Stock of the European Social Charter at 60
Wed, 28 April 2021 – 10:00 to 13:30
Join the online event marking the 60th anniversary of the 1961 European Social Charter, hosted by the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, the Roma Tre Centro Internazionale di Ricerca ‘Diritto e Globalizzazione’ and the European Social Charter Department of the Council of Europe.
The European Social Charter system is the oldest and most wide-ranging instrument providing for social rights in Europe. From the gender pay gap to the rights of migrants and unaccompanied children, from older persons’ rights to right to strike, the Charter has proved a living instrument capable of engaging with the challenges faced by Europeans in the 60 years since its adoption. Despite this, the system remains frequently neglected and misunderstood both by social rights and human rights law actors. This event will both celebrate and critique the European Social Charter system in light of the legal, social and political factors that have shaped it since 1961.
Featuring expert speakers, this workshop will focus on ‘taking stock’ of the Charter and the work of its supervisory body – the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) – so far. Karin Lukas, President of the ECSR and Head of Program Lines at LBI-GMR, will speak on “The European Social Charter and Equality”.
The event will take place online on Wed, 28 April 2021, 10–13:30 GMT.
Information & registration: https://esc60.eventbrite.co.uk