Business Breakfast introducing guidelines on “Sustainable Construction – Fair working conditions in the building sector”
Recently, a business breakfast took place introducing the newly published guidelines on “Sustainable Construction – Fair working conditions in the building sector”, published by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights.
The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights has researched the role firms do, and can play in the guaranteeing of fair working conditions on construction sites. The guidelines visualise which practical measures firms can take in order to guarantee fairer working conditions for all. The guidelines on “Sustainable Construction – Fair working conditions in the building sector“ are a result of an EU project that was conducted in a total of seven EU member states. Researchers in Austria, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and Great Britain had been investigating the abiding of employment law in the areas of agriculture, tourism and the construction industry.
The BIM has researched the role firms do, and can play in the guaranteeing of fair working conditions on construction sites. As part of the research into Corporate Social Responsibility in the Austrian construction industry, multiple interviews were conducted with firms, as well as monitoring bodies and work councils. These results are published in a mapping. The guidelines visualise which practical measures firms can take in order to guarantee fairer working conditions for all.
The guidelines (in German) and the mapping (in English) can be downloaded.
This project is funded by the European Commission (Prevention of and Fight against
Crime Programme, European Commission – Directorate-General
Home Affairs) and co-funded by the Austrian Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection.