Protection against Violence within the Family in Austria
About the Project
This study analyses domestic violence in Austria in its legal and factual dimension, from a human rights perspective. Particular attention is paid to specific women’s rights and child rights standards and the implications, both for the prevention as well as the effective protection of victims of violence.
The study pursues the following questions in particular:
• How has the international and European human rights/women’s rights/child rights framework developed recently with respect to violence in the family (see also, e.g. the recent 2006 UN Studies on Violence against Children, and against Women, respectively)?
• What are the binding legal obligations for Austria?
• How is Austria complying with its international obligations?
• What are the areas in most pressing need of reform in Austria beyond the existing a specific Law on Protection against Violence, in particular considering the specific needs of children and particular social groups such as migrants?
• What is the added value of a rights-based approach to prevention and protection from violence?
Project Data
Country: Österreich
Persons involved: Angelika Kartusch, Dina Nachbaur, Helmut Sax
Contact persons: Helmut Sax
Lead Organisation: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights (LBI-GMR)
Project start: 09/2004
Project end: 07/2007
Project completed: Yes
Funded by: Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank
Programme Line LBI-GMR: Human Dignity and Public Security