RIGHTSCITIES: Localising the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU by operationalising the FRA Framework for Human Rights Cities

About the Project

Research Topic & Roadmap

The project’s starting point is the observation that the implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (hereinafter referred to as the “Charter”) can still be improved at local level. Local authorities must continue to work on its systematic implementation if they want to fulfill their responsibility to protect human rights. The project therefore aims to explore the challenges to effective implementation of the Charter at a local level and to raise awareness in this regard. Local actors should acquire or develop the skills to comply with fundamental and human rights.

Research Focus

Objectives of the project:

  • Raising awareness and understanding of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and its impact at local level
  • City administrations and civil society actors in selected European cities are supported in assessing compliance with the Charter
  • Human Rights Cities approach will is institutionalized as a strategy for the local implementation of the Charter

In addition to the basic obligation of cities to comply with all fundamental and human rights, concrete structures (mechanisms and systems that integrate the obligations into the work of the city) and instruments (methods and resources that support the application of a human rights-based approach) will be addressed.

Research Method

The methodological framework for the project will be the Framework for Human Rights Cities in the EU defined by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). This is to be tested and operationalized in order to promote the local implementation of the Charter.

Various activities are intended to promote capacity building in the cities and raise awareness. Among other things, online learning modules will be developed and trainers trained who will subsequently hold training courses for city employees and relevant stakeholders. In addition, a self-evaluation tool is to be developed for the cities, which will significantly incorporate experience from the respective local contexts. Particular attention will be paid to the gender equality and non-discrimination perspective.

Project Data


Katrin Wladasch

Head of Programme Line

+43 1 4277-27450 xngeva.jynqnfpu@tze.yot.np.ng