BIM partner in large “Rule of Law” EU project in the Kyrgyz Republic fitting in general Central Asia focus
On 8 July 2014 the EU Delegation to Kyrgyzstan and the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic officially launched in Bishkek a new funded EU project “Promotion of the respect of Rule of Law with particular emphasis on Transparency and Accountability” in Kyrgyzstan. The EU Ambassador Mr. Cesare De Montis and the Deputy Minister of Justice Mrs. Zhyldyz Mambetalieva welcomed invitees from various national institutions, EU Member States embassies and international organisations. As Austrian member in the Europeanconsortium responsible for the implementation of the project, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM) wasalso represented during this official event. The speakers underlined the importance to support the Kyrgyz Republic in its effort for sustainable judicial reforms, which will be the main objective to reach until the project end in 2018.
Please find further information about the project.
The BIM’s involvement builds on the existing cooperation in the EU-financed project “Strengthening the fight against torture and impunity in Kyrgyzstan: Prevention, Accountability, Remedy and Reparation” (EIDHR) as well as the “In-country research on torture and ill-treatment in Kyrgyzstan” part of a worldwide research project financed by the Association on the Prevention of Torture (APT). Both projects are implemented in cooperation with the Tian Shan Policy Center (TSPC) – American University of Central Asia. Please find further information on the projects under the following link.